Support Services - 0941-67 Law Enforcement Records (Kennewick)

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Brief Description
This 40 hour course teaches the knowledge and skills needed for law enforcement records staff.
Full Description
This 40-hour course will cover the knowledge and skills needed for handling and processing law enforcement records.  Topics include:
• Introduction to the Criminal Justice system
• State & Federal criminal history guidelines
• Records dissemination
• Media relations and resources
• Firearms laws
• Property and evidence
• Licensing

Audience:  Class is only open to active law enforcement personnel.

Pre-Course Work: None

Dress Code:  For security reasons, while on the WSCJTC campus students are encouraged to wear their agency logo shirt/uniform and/or have their agency ID badge visible.

Schedule: Check Reporting Instructions (M-F, 0800-1700)

Cancellation Policy: Deadline to cancel is 7 days prior to class.  There is a $100 no show or late cancellation fee. Cancellations are done by the agency's training manager in the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.
Training Dates
09/08/2025 - 09/12/2025
Training Times
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Must be employed by a Criminal Justice Agency.
Registration Dates
09/08/2024 - 08/18/2025
Available Seats
40h 0m
Training Location
Kennewick Police Department
211 W. 6th Avenue
Kennewick, WA  99336 (Benton County)
Reporting Instructions
Schedule: Check Reporting Instructions (M-F, 0800-1700)
Signup Details
To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to register you using the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.

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