Firearms - 2031 - 28 Handgun Optic Instructor (Spokane)

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Full Description
The CJTC Handgun Red Dot Sight Instructor is a 24 hour course. The course is designed to bring current firearms instructors up to date on the fundamentals of teaching and integrating handgun Red Dot Sights (RDS) into their training curriculum or agency program.  We strongly recommend this course if you or your agency is in the process of approving the use of, or converting as an agency to handgun RDS.

Due to the advancing technology of the RDS the trend for duty use is increasing at a rapid pace.  To meet this challenge and stay relevant with emerging tools and tactics we will cover the technology, concepts, principles and training methodologies to prepare instructors to teach the RDS platform to experienced or novice shooters.

This course has been very well received in 2019.  One of the most common pieces of feedback is that instructors did not realize how much there was to learn from a user AND instructor perspective for RDS use on duty handguns.

Prerequisites: Current CJTC Handgun Level 1 Certification

Audience:  Active law enforcement officers who meet the prerequisites.

Dress Code: For security reasons, while on the WSCJTC campus are encouraged to wear their agency logo shirt/uniform and have their agency ID badge visible.

Class Times: Check Reporting Instructions.

Cancelation Policy: Cancellation Policy: Deadline to cancel is 7 days prior to class. There is a $400 no show or late cancellation fee. Cancellations are done by the agency's training manager in the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.
Training Dates
05/05/2025 - 05/07/2025
You must have a current CJTC Handgun Level 1 Certification or current PS Handgun Instructor Certification.

Provide the date of your last CJTC Handgun Instructor Level 1 Certification/Recertification or PS Handgun Instructor Certification/Recertification.
Registration Dates
05/05/2024 - 04/21/2025
Available Seats
24h 0m
Training Location
Spokane Police Regional Training Center
2302 N. Waterworks St.
Spokane, WA  98823
Directions to Location
Click class name to see the location address.
Resources Required
• Duty handgun equipped with RDS AND iron sights. RDS capable holster on patrol duty belt
         with a minimum of 3 magazines.
• Inert training pistol to fit your duty holster (red or blue gun)
• Flashlight
• Eye protection (including clear glasses for night firing)
• Hearing protection – electronic headphones and earplugs
• Review and be ready to discuss your agency’s RDS related policy if one exists
• Weapon cleaning equipment
• Body armor
• Baseball hat
• Laptop
• USB flash drive

Required Ammunition (agency responsibility)

• 1000 rounds primary handgun (clean fire required in Burien - Total Metal Jacket)
Reporting Instructions
Class will be held 0800 to 1700 over the course of two days.
Day one may include an evening session for low light application.
Burien classes may be held in the evening depending on range availability.

Firearms Program Email:
Signup Details
To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to register you using the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.  

Click class name to see the location address.

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