Special Investigations - 5358 - 125 Child Abuse Interviewing & Assessment

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Brief Description
CAIA: Child Abuse Interviewing & Assessment Virtual
Full Description
This is a 4 day (32 hour) multidisciplinary online course for WA State law enforcement investigators, prosecutors, and specialized child interviewers.  The training is co-sponsored by the WA State CJTC and the Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence.  There are 30 hours of classroom and self-study with 2 hours of pre-course work.

The focus is on improving investigative skills in child sexual abuse and physical abuse cases, with emphasis on the forensic interview with the child in suspected sexual and physical abuse cases for law enforcement, prosecutors, and DCYF, FAR, and CPS investigators.

Each applicant will:

• Receive information on current research-based child forensic interview techniques.
• Understand the structure and components of forensic interviews that have been proven by research to be most effective in eliciting reliable information.
• Practice interview skills by interviewing actors using suspected child abuse scenarios.
• Learn the importance of cultural influences on the investigative interview.
• Be aware of considerations for effective interviews of victims with special needs.
• Learn to defend interviews in court.
• Receive information about resources available to reinforce skills and keep updated about future developments in best practices

Audience:  This course is mandated for persons responsible for investigating child sexual abuse in law enforcement, prosecution, and child protective services per RCW 43.101.224.

Out-of-state applicants are accepted only on a space-available basis two weeks prior to course start and with payment of a $500 fee

Pre-Course Work:  All students are expected to read the listed articles and guide to gain a starting point for the class.

Schedule: The class is held over 4 days - Wednesday/Thursday & the following Monday/Tuesday

Cancellation Policy:  Deadline to cancel is 7 days prior to class.  
• $100 no show or late cancellation fee for mandated.
• $500 no show or late cancellation fee for non-mandated.

Cancellations are done by the agency's training manager or by the Alliance for child Welfare Excellence
Training Dates
04/09/2025 - 04/15/2025
Training Times
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
None Specified
Registration Dates
04/09/2024 - 03/26/2025
Available Seats
The maximum capacity for this class has been reached. Your request can be added to the waitlist. Additional seats may become available for future enrollment.
32h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
Virtual Classroom
See Session Information for Meeting Links.
Directions to Location
This course is held in a virtual synchronous environment. Students are emailed Zoom links and information prior to the start of class.
Resources Required
As this class is offered online, each student must have a strong internet connection, a computer with video capabilities, a working microphone and Zoom.
Reporting Instructions
This class starts at: 0815 - 1700 / 4 Days Wednesday/Thursday & following Monday/Tuesday
Signup Details
To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to register you using the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.

CPS workers and other DCYF employees must register for the class by emailing the Alliance for Child Welfare Excellence, Aidan Ramos @  ramosaa@uw.edu

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