Leadership - 4127-38 First Level Supervision (Virtual)

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Brief Description
Mandated leadership training for first-level Supervisors employed in law enforcement and corrections
Full Description
This 40 hour offering will focus on adult critical thinking and development of higher levels of problem solving.   The new-found knowledge, skills and abilities will then be applied to resolving real world supervisory situations.   Students will be presented with a comprehensive ill-structured problem and confronted with the seven product specifications that were identified in the Job Task Analysis:

-Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills
-Coach and mentor employees
-Generate and manage documentation
-Identify and manage department resources
-Manage critical incidences
-Evaluate employee performance
-Demonstrate an understanding of progressive discipline practices and "just cause" protocol

Students will work in teams to develop presentations throughout the week related to the seven specification areas.   The teams will be compelled to examine leadership situations that require them to be self-directed and self-motivated in order to be successful.   A final presentation will be made at the end of the week demonstrating how participants incorporated the product specifications into their examination of the problem and development of a well-researched solution.  

This course is part of the Career Level Certification Series.
Training Dates
07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025
Training Times
08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
What is the student's current rank at the agency?
What was the student's promotion date?  Enter as MM/DD/YYYY.
Registration Dates
07/21/2024 - 06/21/2025
Available Seats
40h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
Virtual Classroom
Resources Required
Laptop with internet and basic Word and Power Point capabilities, flashdrive, and note taking materials.
Reporting Instructions
None Specified
Signup Details
See training officer at your agency.

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