Basic Law Enforcement Reserve Academy - 0084-35 Basic Reserve Academy - Direct Reserve Certificate (March 2025)

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Brief Description
0084 Basic Law Enforcement Reserve Academy Direct Certificate (BLERA-DC)
Full Description
0084 Basic Law Enforcement Reserve Academy Direct Certificate enrollment is intended to assist  full-time WA State Certified Peace Officers and active Washington State Park Ranger being hired as a reserve peace officer within the state of Washington.

Eligibility for participation in the Basic Law Enforcement Reserve Equivalency Academy process is limited to:
    a. Prior General Authority Washington Law Enforcement Agency or Tribal Officer in good
    standing from Washington State with a break in service less than 24 months.
    b. Active Washington State Parks Ranger who attended an accepted Park Law Enforcement
    Academy (PLEA) and has no breaks in service.

The 0084 Basic Law Enforcement Reserve Academy Direct Certificate (BLERA-DC) process was adopted by the Commission. It is designed to document that reserves completing the direct certificate process have the the basic knowledge and skills required for safe, proper and effective law enforcement service.


1. Acknowledge that the CJ 1903 Notice of Officer Hire for reserve peace officer position was submitted to the WSCJTC Certification Division at The Reserve Program will verify that the submitted CJ 1903 Notice of Officer hire was processed by the Certification Division before certificate is issued.

IMPORTANT: If reserve peace officer position is with the same/former agency only the form is required. No new background, poly or psych exam is required. Mark the dates as N/A.

IMPORTANT: If reserve peace officer position is with another agency. New background, poly and psych is required per RCW 43.101.95. Submit the dates on the form as required by RCW 43.101.95.

2. Upload a copy of the applicant’s WA State Peace Officer Certification or approved Parks Law Enforcement Academy (PLEA) certificate/diploma.

3. Upload letter from former or current employer attesting that the officer's separation date and that the separation from the agency and certification is in good standing.  WA Parks Rangers must be actively employed when applying. There is no allowance for breaks in service for Park Rangers.

4. Agency authorized signer will sign this statement on the application. "I hereby attest, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington, the applicant is a duly authorized applicant of this agency and that the requirements of RCW 43.101.080(19) and WAC 139-05-810(2) have been met; and all information entered above is correct to the best of my knowledge."

SIGNED:  Type your rank, name, and today's date in the text box.

4. Applicant cannot have a break in service (FT to Reserve Peace Officer Hiring) for more than 24 months.

If the applicant’s break in service is more than 24 months, but less than 60 months please apply your reserve peace officer applicant under 0082 Basic Law Enforcement Reserve.

Audience: WA State FT Certified Peace Officers who accept a Reserve Peace Officer position.  Certification must be in good standing.

Pre-Course Work:  None

Class Time: None

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations can be done by the training officer/manager in the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.  Cancellations do require the submission of a CJ 1902 Notice of Officer Separation to
Training Dates
03/01/2025 - 03/31/2025
2). By checking this box, you acknowledge that you have sent the following documents to  

          -  Notice of Separation - Separating the applicant
             from a Full-Time Position. AND

          -  Notice of Hire as a Reserve Peace Officer.

The Reserve Program Manager will verify that both documents have been submitted.  

* Please note that if the applicant is separating from your agency, and returning  to your agency as a non-certified Reserve Peace Officer,   you must submit both the Notice of Separation and Notice of Hire forms.  

If the person applying for the Direct Reserve Certificate is from another agency, you are only responsible for the Notice of Hire form - conditions apply - (See Guidelines/Instructions for help).
3).  By Typing my name, rank and contact information, I hereby attest, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington, the above named individual is a duly authorized applicant of this agency and that the requirements of RCW 43.101.095 and WAC 139-05-810(2) have been met; and all information entered above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
1). The person applying for Direct Reserve Certificate is a Certified Washington State  General Authority Peace Officer, in good standing and has a break in service of less than 24 months.
Registration Dates
11/21/2024 - 04/15/2025
Available Seats
None Specified
Training Location
WSCJTC Headquarters Campus
19010 1st Ave S
Burien, WA  98148
Reporting Instructions
Questions regarding 0084 Basic Reserve Academy Direct Certificate can be sent to the Reserve Program Manager at
Signup Details
To register for the course, contact your Training Manager to register you using the WSCJTC Acadis Portal.

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